Sunday, January 27, 2013

Beachbody Workouts

Hi Everyone!
I thought for today's blog I would write a little about the Beachbody products I use (or have used) and what I've thought of them.  I also wanted to add this as a page for my blog, so instead of doing both this is a quick entry to let you all know that you need to check out the new page at the top of my blog called Beachbody Products!!!  I'll be adding links to videos so you can get an idea of what each program or product looks like.  Enjoy!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Beachbody Coaching

For today's blog, I want to tell you about what being a Beachbody coach means to me.  I have found a new passion that I never thought I would have.  I LOVE HEALTH & FITNESS!!  I have learned that I can push myself to try new things and that if I keep working at it, I will acheive any health/fitness goal I set for myself.  I have also started to work more on my inner self too.  Trying to change years of negative self talk into something more positive.  The changes I have made in a little over 6 months are amazing to me.  I honestly believe none of these would have happened if I hadn't made the choice to become a coach.   Being a coach not only means you help other people make changes in their lives, but you also have to work on yourself to be the best you can be.   The support this company provides in helping you be a sucessfull (whatever your definition of succesful is) coach is amazing.   You can make this job what you want it to be.  For me, my ultimate goal is to make this a full time job.   I love helping and inspiring others.  The coaches I work with are amazing and motivate me to keep pushing on to reaching this goal.  I could talk all day about how much I love this company and what it has done for me, but for now,  I will ask you to watch the video I have posted below.   Hopefully, it will inspire you the way it did me!

If you are interested in coaching or have any other questions, please feel free to respond to this blog or contact me at, or on Facebook at

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Personal Development

What is personal development?  According to Wikipedia Personal development includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations.
Basically, I see personal development as working to make yourself the best you can be.  As a therapist, I work with clients everyday to help them build skills that will not only help them cope with life's stressors, but to also help them reach their full potential.  Personal development isn't something you just do one time and you're good to go.  It has to be practiced everyday.  It will seem weird and foreign to many at first, but as you continue to learn new things about yourself and start to see improvements in your life, it gets much easier.  
Over the last several years, I've been on a journey.  I thought that if I made my outside the way I wanted, my inside would just naturally follow. didn't quite work that way.  I have struggled to figure out why weight loss wasn't happening as fast as I wanted it to go.  I have finally realized that I have to "workout" my brain as much as I have been my body.  I am a pro at negative self-talk.  Some of the things I say to myself I would NEVER dream of saying to anyone else.  I try my hardest to be polite and kind to everyone.  Why wasn't I doing the same for myself?  After I became a Beachbody coach, it was made very clear to me that if I was going to help anyone, I had to help myself first.  So...I have been working on me, from the inside out.  For a minimum of 10 minutes everyday, I really focus on myself.  I've read several books, practiced positive affirmations (thinking kind, encouraging things about myself) and examined some of my core beliefs about my life and the way I see it.  I have noticed some changes already.  I am starting to catch myself when I think negatively and I'm able to re-frame those thoughts into something more positive.  I still have my bad days where I get easily stressed, beat myself up and see the world as a big, mean and scary place.  But I have committed to making this the year I finally do what I've been trying to teach my clients since I became a therapist.   This is the year I will LOVE myself and BELIEVE that I can do ANYTHING that I decide to do.   I still have a lot of work to do, but I will get there.  I will be adding to a new page on this blog a list of books I have read and books that are on my "to read" list.   I would suggest any of them as a way to get started on your own journey to reaching your full potential.

Thanks for reading!  If you are interested in learning more about the steps I'm taking to change my life in positive ways, feel free to respond to this blog or contact me at,, or on Facebook at

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ultimate Reset Results!!

Yesterday was the last official day of this program.  I have learned so much over the last 3 weeks and can't believe it's done.  So, here are my results:

Day 1: 12-16-12
Weight: 198.2
Waist: 35
Hips: 42
Right Arm: 14.5
Right Thigh: 26

Day 22: 1-6-13
Weight: 180.6
Waist: 32.5
Hips: 40
Right Arm: 13
Right Thigh: 23
Chest: 40

Total lost: 17.6 pounds and 11 inches!!!!  I am so excited and proud of what I have accomplished over the last 3 weeks.  I have not only reset my body, but my mind.  I don't see me going back to unhealthy eating again.  Not saying that I will be perfect, but this Reset has been exactly the piece of my journey that I have been missing.  I have a better understanding about food, how to cook,  and how to plan my meals around possible obstacles or set-backs.
So, I'm what?  The program suggests that you slowly start to re-introduce foods you eliminated during the Reset (dairy, animal protein).  I have decided the easiest way for me to do this is to just repeat the plan in reverse.  Today I re-started week 3 and will go from there.  I haven't been able to work out during the last 3 weeks and it has been hard.  I miss my workouts.  I've had Combat for about 2 weeks now and it has been killing me not to do it.  So, starting tomorrow, I resume my workouts.  However, I plan to take it slow.  If I have to take breaks, I have to take breaks.  If I don't work as hard in the beginning, that's ok.  I can gradually get myself back to the intensity I was at before I started the reset.  I would recommend this program to anyone that is struggling with losing weight, has low energy or feels run down emotionally.  It has totally changed how I think!

One last thing before I go.  You might have noticed some changes to this blog.  I have added some extra pages  with healthy recipes and goal setting guides.  If there are things you would like to see added or want to learn more about, let me know and I'll get to work!!

If you are interested in changing your life in 2013, feel free to contact me and I will be your personal coach and cheerleader.  You can respond to this blog, or email me at,, or on Facebook at

As always, thanks for reading!!