Sunday, January 20, 2013

Beachbody Coaching

For today's blog, I want to tell you about what being a Beachbody coach means to me.  I have found a new passion that I never thought I would have.  I LOVE HEALTH & FITNESS!!  I have learned that I can push myself to try new things and that if I keep working at it, I will acheive any health/fitness goal I set for myself.  I have also started to work more on my inner self too.  Trying to change years of negative self talk into something more positive.  The changes I have made in a little over 6 months are amazing to me.  I honestly believe none of these would have happened if I hadn't made the choice to become a coach.   Being a coach not only means you help other people make changes in their lives, but you also have to work on yourself to be the best you can be.   The support this company provides in helping you be a sucessfull (whatever your definition of succesful is) coach is amazing.   You can make this job what you want it to be.  For me, my ultimate goal is to make this a full time job.   I love helping and inspiring others.  The coaches I work with are amazing and motivate me to keep pushing on to reaching this goal.  I could talk all day about how much I love this company and what it has done for me, but for now,  I will ask you to watch the video I have posted below.   Hopefully, it will inspire you the way it did me!

If you are interested in coaching or have any other questions, please feel free to respond to this blog or contact me at, or on Facebook at

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