Monday, May 20, 2013

Tough Mudder Jacksonville 2013

  Another great race weekend!! Yesterday I completed by 2nd Tough Mudder near Jacksonville, FL.  Tough Mudder is an 11+ mile obstacle course that is “probably the toughest event on the planet”.  Yesterday’s race lived up to that claim for me for sure.  The course was full of running through thick sand and mud, plus all the obstacles.  I’m not the greatest runner (I’m working on it though!) so this was pretty rough for me. 

I felt really strong in the beginning and then we got to the Wounded Warrior Carry.  In this challenge, you pair up and carry your partner roughly 1-200 feet.  I paired up with a guy on my team and he carried me first.  At the halfway point we switched.  We were in that damn sand again but I carried him on my back for close to 200 feet.  My team was cheering me on the whole way. That’s when I think a lot of my walking started.  

The next tough obstacle was called Mud Mile.  You have to run or walk through mud that is like quicksand.  Not gonna lie, the Mud Mile felt like the Mud 25 Miles.  My legs and hips were on fire by the end!

Other obstacles, like the Berlin Walls may need to be done with the help of your team.  I struggled with these because I had a really tight shoulder and it made me feel weaker in term of upper body strength. I've also noticed I have a kind of selective fear of heights.  When I am up high I don't get scared until I have to rely on my own strength to keep me from falling.   But I can jump off of super high platforms into dark, muddy water
Since I conquered Colossus at the Savage Race a few weeks ago, my next goal is to get all the way across the monkey bars.  I’ve been practicing at a park and can make from one end to the other.  OCR monkey bars are quite a bit different.  The ones at Tough Mudder go up at an angle and then come back down.  I made it to the 2nd or 3rd bar before I fell in the water below.  Not what I wanted, but definite improvement.

The next obstacle was Everest.  It is a ½ pipe that is very similar to Colossus without the ropes to help you climb up.  I made it up the last time so I was pretty sure I could do it this time.  My legs were toast so I couldn’t run as hard as I needed to.  I tried 3 times and each time almost got to my teammates holding out their hands.  After the 3rd attempt I looked at my coach and said I couldn’t do it.  He looked me in the eye and said something like “you are going to do this”.  So I tried one last time.  I got to the top and grabbed the hands of my teammates.  I tried to use my feet to climb up, but I was beat.  The guys pulled me up and I made it.  I was so tired, I almost fell off the ladder coming down one the other side, but I caught myself.  If a blooper video ever gets done, I’m sure that move could have made the cut!  Thanks to my coach and teammates for not letting me quit.

The last obstacle at any Tough Mudder is called Electroshock Therapy.  Take a look at this picture.  See all those strings hanging down? Yeah, some of those are electric.  If you listen closely while people run through you can hear the zaps as 10,000 volts of electricity goes through the bodies of those unlucky ones who got the right (or should I say wrong?) string.  Last December I got shocked, but I was able to keep going.  This time, I was shocked so hard that it threw me to the ground…3 times.  It was crazy!  After we  crossed the finish line I got my hard earned orange headband, T-shirt and a cold beer.   After 5 hours, it was a very good moment!!
I’m feeling pretty sore and have some bruises, cuts and scrapes, but I wouldn’t take back a single moment of this challenge.  I had to remind myself many times that my mind was going to give up before my body did.  I'm going to be doing a couple of new BB challenges over the next few months, so I think that is going to help a lot.  I'm sure I'll write a blog about those so stay tuned!
  I am SO GLAD I was introduced to the sport of OCR. My first year will end in September 2013.  I’m planning on running my first competitive race in August.  I’m not focused so much on time (only for a baseline), but rather being able to do all the obstacles on my own.  I plan to ROCK year 2 of OCR!!
If you are interested in running your first OCR, feel free to respond to this blog or connect with me on Facebook at or  You can also check out

As always, thanks for reading and….HOORAH!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fit Friends

Another Sunday Funday!!  I love working out at home with Beachbody DVD's.    It saves me time and money and I know exactly what to do with the help of the trainers like Shaun T, Chalene Johnson and Dan and Rach from Combat.  But I also love group workouts.  I feel motivated by others around me and like to help motivate others.  One new way I get to buddy up with others that are trying to live a fit lifestyle like me is Sunday Funday.   A group of friends and I get together every other Sunday at Al Lopez Park to run the park and stop at different "obstacle" stations.  Today was an awesome workout and we had a lot of fun!

We started off with a short run to the first obstacle.  Jenny O, the organizer of this group decided that at every obstacle today we would do 10 burpees.  The first station was a pull up bar.  Each of us is working on improving our upper body strength.  However, we all struggle with the pull ups.  Instead of skipping them because they are too tough, we pair up and have one person help support another.  While some were doing pull ups, the rest were knocking out their burpees. 

We took off again and stopped at a angled bar that we jump over.  You can see several of us do these in the pics at the top of the post.  The goal is to get 10 jumps back and forth.    Oh yeah, did I mention those 10 burpees again?

Another short run onto the next obstacle.  Again, 10 burpees for everyone and a "wall sit" for 2 min.  After running and doing burpees, these wall sits are no joke!!  We each make it 2 min and take turns.   My quads were on fire, but that's how ya know you are doing work!

Off to the next station.  This one had a lot of different things going on.  10 burpees for everyone, 15 pushups and 15 crunches or sit-ups.   Even though there was a lot going on, everyone got to work and figured out a rotation without even really planning it.   As a group, we work really well together. 

The next station has 2 bars that we do incline push ups and pull ups on.  The burpees were getting a little rough at this point, not gonna lie!

The last station are the monkey bars.  The first few times we went I wasn't able to make it across, but the last 2 weeks, I've made it fairly easily.  Jenny likes to show off :) and do the bars backwards and sideways.  I made it all the way across going forward and about half way going sideways.  The rest of the girls made it across at least once.  We had an audience of a mother and daughter (who looked like she was maybe 11-13) at this one.  They cheered us on and when we got done, they had to take a turn.  We stuck around and watched.   The mom was a beast and made it almost all the way across doing pull ups at each bar.   

Next step, running to the finish.  It is maybe a 1/4 to 1/2 mile back to the beginning of our loop.  Once we got there it was time for a quick ab workout.  Each person picks an exercise and leads the group.  We always finish off with a 1 min plank and some supermans. 

Sticking to a healthy diet and workout plan isn't always easy, in fact, sometimes it is downright tough.  But having friends that are interested in the same things you are makes all the difference in the world.  If you live in the Tampa Bay area and wanna join us, let me know!  If you have a park or trail around you, grab some friends and go for a run or walk.  You don't have to go crazy, just get moving.  You'll be glad you did!

Thanks again for reading.  If you have any questions or want to start your own fitness journey, please respond to this blog or connect with me on Facebook at or

Have a healthy and fit week!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Meal Prep Tips

Awhile back, I wrote a blog about planning ahead and the food options I had for that week.   But I didn't go into a lot of detail about how I plan and what my process looks like.   So, for today's entry, I'll explain in a lot more detail. 

Since I have completed a few BB programs now (Insanity, ChaLEAN Extreme, Combat), I take some of my favorite meals from each of these plans.  All of these programs encourage clean eating so there are very little processed items in my diet.  After I pick the meals and snacks I want, I make a list and head to the grocery store.  (Just a few tips on grocery shopping!  1. NEVER go hungry.  All kinds of extras will end up in your cart.  2. Stick to the perimeter of the store.  The more processed junk is located on the inner aisles.  3.  Come prepared; have a list and stick to it.  Your butt and your wallet will thank you!)

I use a calendar/meal planner to plan out what meals I'll have each day.  I just got a new planner that I love from May Designs.  This company has tons of personalizing options for planners, notebooks, calorie and exercise trackers, etc.  SO CUTE!  Here is a picture of the inside of my calorie/exercise tracker. 

I have a pretty big collection of Tupperware containers.  These are a must if you want to meal prep ahead of time.  You can stock up without spending a ton of money.  I recommend getting a big basket or box to store them in so you can easily match containers and lids.   I keep my stored like this. 

Before I get started, I get the box out with all my Tupperware containers.  I also make sure all my dishes are clean and put away and clean my kitchen counter.  Now that I have my plan, groceries and a clean kitchen, its time to get to work!!

One of my staples is chicken.  For me, the easiest way to prepare it is to use a crock pot.  I use an entire bag of frozen tenderloins, throw them in the crock pot with a little water and what ever seasonings I decide to use that week.  I usually shred the chicken and use it in salads, tacos, paired with veggies, etc.  

Salads are another regular meal, so I make 4-5 small salads at once.  If you make 1 big salad it will probably only last a few days.  But if you use the smaller containers, a salad can last up to a week.  I also make a balsamic vinaigrette dressing that is amazing!!  You can find the recipe on the "Healthy Recipes" page on this blog. 

I'm not a morning person AT ALL, so breakfast usually has to be something I can eat in the car on the way to work.  I like to hard boil a carton of eggs and use those for breakfast.  I can also use them on salads or as snacks.  Turkey bacon is also really good and can be made several days in advance. 

I wash and cut all veggies and fruit I can.  If you can, invest in some Debbie Meyers Green Bags (you can find them at grocery stores, Target and Walmart).  These bags keep your produce fresher for longer.  I've used them with whole veggies and fruit and produce that has already been cut.  They are amazing and work like a dream!!

If I have almonds, cashew, etc.  I always separate them into serving sizes bagged up in snack bags. Makes it so much easier to stick to a portion.  I can throw a bag of almonds in my purse just in case I can't get to what other foods I packed. 

For this week, I have eggs/bacon for breakfast, almonds, apples and yogurt for snacks.  Lunch will be chicken or turkey tacos, tempeh stir fry and veggie burgers.  My sweet tooth has been acting up at night lately, so I'll be having Shakeology for dinner with a small side salad. 

One last tip.  Again, if you can invest, get a good lunchbox and some ice packs. I take my food to work everyday and I don't have easy access to a fridge. However, I have good healthy food to eat because I have the lunch box and ice.  I've thought about getting a bigger back so I can pack for an entire day, but so far, I don't have a need to pack dinner too.  

This is just the plan that I use.  I have made changes and learned faster ways to do things each week.  It is definitely a work in progress, but it makes choosing healthy options so much easier.   I recommend coming up with your own system that works for you.  If you are interested in learning more about how I meal prep or want some assistance in getting started yourself, please feel free to respond to this blog or contact me on Facebook at or

Have a great week!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Savage Race Spring 2013

Yesterday was an AWESOME day!!  Savage Race has been one of my favorite OCR's so far.  I'm not sure why, but I really like the course and the obstacles.  The last time I did Savage was in the fall of 2012.  I did good, but there were a few obstacles I wasn't able to finish.  A balance beam called Nut Smashers and a half pipe wall called Colossus.   The balance beam got me last time, but this race, I nailed it.  As soon as I finished I did a little happy dance and that pumped me up for the rest of the course.

Coming in to this race, I didn't care what I did on any other obstacle, I WAS going to get to the top of Colossus if it killed me!   Last fall, I tried 4 times to get up and couldn't grab the rope.   Leading up to the race I visualized myself going up that wall a million times.  As my team approached the wall, several people started encouraging me and said "this is it", "you are getting up this wall".   Again, I visualized myself climbing the wall and celebrating at the top.   Finally it was my turn.  I ran as hard as I could and got the rope.  I remember thinking, "I'm really gonna do this!!".  I pulled myself up as far as I could and then told the guys standing up at the top that I needed help.    Well, they weren't all that much help and I fell all the way back to the bottom.    I waited a few minutes, caught my breath and tried it again.  This was going to be the last attempt, so I had to do it this time.  I got the rope again and started to climb.  This time I was a little more "stern" with the guys up at the top and said "I need you to pull me up NOW!".  The lead guy was telling the others to "go slow".   I was not going to the bottom of the damn wall again so I yelled "PULL ME UP NOW!!"  Needless to say that got their attention and the next thing I knew I was standing at the top of the wall!!!!!!!   I have not felt that much relief and pride in awhile!   My team was yelling and cheering me on the entire time!

One of my teammates and partner Kirsten, made this for me and posted it on my Facebook wall.  I LOVE IT!!

As always, I could not make it through these races without my friends on Team Dynasty!!  Everyone works together and makes sure we are all finishing together.  I wish a I had a pic of all of us, 

but it can get a little crazy after a race and we couldn't find everyone.

If you are interested in getting into the best shape of your life, running your first OCR or starting a fitness journey, I would love to help.  Respond to this blog or contact me at, or

Thanks for reading and have a great week!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Staying Motivated

Changing lifestyle habits can be difficult and overwhelming.  Here is a list of 10 ways to stay motivated and on track to reaching your goals!  They work for me!

1. Set Goals
Goal setting is powerful.  However, make your goals realistic.  Instead of focusing on the big picture, think about smaller goals you can reach.  For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds, set smaller 5 pound goals.  You can also set goals to try new things with the increased health and physical fitness you are achieving.  Find a 5k or Obstacle Course Race around you and sign up.  Remind yourself of this every time you feel like cheating on your diet or skipping a workout.

2.  Make it FUN!!
Having a healthy life is supposed to be fun.  Find your "soulmate" workout, the one that you look forward to doing every day.  Look for new and exciting ways to stay in shape.

3. Reward Yourself
For every goal that you reach, give yourself a reward. Been eyeing a new pair of running shoes?  What about an outfit that might have been too tight before?  Make a list of things that you want and treat yourself!

4. Track Your Progress
This can get tricky.  Most people see progress as the weight they see on the scale.  There are SOOOO many other ways you can see the improvements you are making.  For example, take monthly pictures of yourself to compare.  You will see change that you might not see on the scale.  Track how many workouts you complete in a month.  Do fit tests.  In the program Insanity, fit tests are a huge part of the plan.  You will be amazed at how many more globe jumps or switch kicks you can do each time!

5. Remember Your Why
We all have reasons for getting in shape...losing weight, feeling better, buying smaller clothes, playing more with your children, etc.  Every time you get discouraged or want to quit, remind yourself why you started this process in the first place.

6. Ask For Help
There are so many people that can help encourage and support you, especially when you are feeling stuck.  Look at inspirational pictures on Pinterest or Instagram.  I check these both out regularly and they give me the kick in the butt I need sometimes.

7. Think About Consequences
What if you don't stick to your goals?  Where will you be in 5 years? 10? 20?  Will you be a happy person, or stuck in a rut?  How will you feel about yourself if you give up on your goals and dreams?

8. Put Your Goals Out There
Let the people in your life know about your goals and why they are important to you.  Post them on Facebook or other social media sites you use.  Once you have made your goals public, it's harder to back out.

9. Accountability Partner
Find someone that will not only hold you accountable, but will also encourage you along the way.  Find a friend that will workout with you.   Share your why with them.  Plan your meals together.  Plan a fun activity for the 2 of you to do together to celebrate your successes.

10. Plan Ahead
Life gets in the way.  Sometimes it is easy to let other obligations get in the way of taking care of yourself.  Plan your weekly meals and prep as many as possible.  Schedule your workouts like any other appointment or meeting.  What would happen if you skipped a meeting at work 'cause you "just didn't feel like it"?  Take your health and fitness as seriously as you do the other things in your life. 

Ready to commit and make some changes?  I would love to help you reach your goals!   Respond to this blog or follow me on Facebook at or   I'm also on Instagram at Thanks for reading and have a healthy and fit week!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fun Day at the Park

Today I did a new workout and had a lot of fun.  I met up with a friend (and made some new ones!) for a Fitness Funday Sunday.  We met at Al Lopez park in Tampa and spent almost 2 hours running and doing workout stations set up along the course.  I had heard of this park and a lot of my friends from 813 Fit Club have gone for workouts there too, so I was excited to check it out.  It is pretty much like any other park, but it has a 5k trail around the perimeter with workout stations set up throughout.  It was really good training for obstacle course races.  I've include some pics below of several stations. 

I definitely do better when I have a schedule.  I am able to stay on task better, get more accomplished and stress less.  At the same time though, I can get bored.  I'll never stop my Beachbody workouts because they work and they're fun, but it's also good to switch things up and try new activities.   Now that summer is getting closer I'll be looking for more fun stuff to incorporate into my regular workout schedule.

Thanks for reading!  If you are interested in learning more about what you can do to get in shape, feel free to respond to this blog or contact me at, or on Facebook at

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Plan for Success

Today was food prep day for the week.  I'm making this a Sunday activity every week from now on.  It took me a LOT of time today, but it will all be worth it.  Above are a few pictures of meals (or parts of meals) that I'll have this week.    On the menu is 2 servings of jicama and avocado salad, 4 microgreen salads with tons of veggies and homemade greek dressing, 2 servings of moroccan carrot salad, a frittata with red pepper, tomato, asparagus and a sweet potato, 2 servings of baked tempeh, 1 serving of roasted beets and 2 servings mashed chickpeas.  I also had a ton of veggies left over so I chopped them all and will use them to fill out individual meals.   I've got fish, chicken and veggie burgers that I can use for dinner each night.  For snacks I'll have Shakeology and fruit.

For those of you that know me really well, this won't be a surprise.  I tend to over think and over plan for just about every situation.  I tend to get anxious and stressed if I don't follow some kind of schedule or daily to do list.   One area of my life that I haven't  always given this kind of attention is what I eat.   Which, if you think about it is not very smart.  There are few things in life that we have any control over.  We can plan and think ahead all we want, but life is always going to throw curve balls.  But, we have 100% control over what food we put in our bodies.  I've learned that no matter how much I plan ahead or how strong my resolve is to eat healthy, I let life get in the way.  If I'm tired or had a bad day it's so much easier to slip and eat something that isn't good for me than to come home and cook something that is.  But if I know that everything I need is in my fridge and will take me 10 min or less to complete a meal, I am much more likely to stick to my original plans.   So, if making good food choices is something you struggle with too,  think about setting aside a few hours to prepare everything you can for the coming week.  Not only will it save time, energy and money in the long run, but it will dramatically increase your chances for success.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!  If you are interested in getting started on your own journey to a healthy life, get in touch with me...I would love to help!  Feel free to respond on this blog or contact me at,, or on Facebook at