Sunday, November 25, 2012

Just checking in....

Well I followed my list from the last post and made it through the Thanksgiving holiday without pigging out and feeling horrible.  I got in all my workouts and even got a new PR on a 5K race (see the photo above!).  I ran the Turkey Trot in 34:15.  I was so excited and pumped afterward!!  It felt amazing to cross that finish line!!  This coming weekend I have Tough Mudder.  I am so nervous, but excited at the same time!!  Here is a link to a video about what I'm about to do!  Stay tuned, next week's blog will be all about that experience!  I'm sure there will be tons to say!!

For the rest of this post I wanted to share some tools I use to help me keep track of my fitness and nutrition.  My top choices are the WOWY (Work Out With You) Supergym on the Beachbody website.  You can enter an entire program and all you have to do is look at the calendar to tell you what workout to do.  I never have to guess or plan for what my workout is, its there already!  If you are interested in getting this amazing tool, all you have to do is sign up for a FREE membership.  Here is a link. 
If you are interested I can send you a fitness assessment and help you get started on figuring out what workout will be the best for you.  2nd is GymPact.  It is an app on your phone (Iphone or Androids) that you set a weekly goal for working out.  The only drawback to this one is I can't use my Beachbody workouts because the app doesn't count my living room as a gym.  Annoying, but I can use it for my runs.  It connects to another app called Runkeeper (the pic from above is from that app) and it logs running, walking, cycling, etc.    It keeps all the data and you can compare each entry to ones in the past.  The thing I love most about all these apps and gadgets is I can see progress.  When I might not see progress on the scale or with the measuring tape, I know I am running faster, getting all my workouts in and am staying committed to my goal of a healthy life.  I am also in several support groups on Facebook where we encourage each other and hold one another accountable for the choices we are making.  In terms of food, I am doing P90X and that plan comes with a meal guide to follow.  Each week I sit down and plan out what meals I'm going to eat for the week and prepare as much of them ahead of time as I can.  Saves me so much time during the week and cuts WAY down on the temptation to eat junk. 

Planning is key!!!  You have to be organized and prepared to live a healthy life.  Yes, it does take extra time in the beginning, but the more you do it, the faster and easier it gets.  I don't even think using any of the above tools anymore, they are just a part of my day.   I'm not perfect, there have been plenty of days on my journey that despite all the tools above, I just didn't get it done.  However, I know that if I hadn't had these tools, it would have been so much harder to get back on track. 

If you are looking to change your daily habits and start living a healthier lifestyle, I want to help you.  Please feel free to respond to this blog, or contact me at, or  Oh yeah, I can't forget about Facebook!  www.

Have a great week everyone!  See you next week!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The journey...

The picture above is something I think we all need to remember when it comes to any goals or life change.  When we set a goal for ourselves a lot of us (myself, completely included) only see the end product and forget to congratulate ourselves or take pride in the struggles we overcome every day in trying to reach our goals.  I know I have wasted a lot of time looking into the future instead of focusing on what I am doing in the here and now.  I don't allow myself to enjoy the fact that I can run over 3 miles without stopping or that I can complete an obstacle course race or that I haven't had diet coke in over 30 days.    I have realized over this weekend that I need to start focusing on my own personal development as much as (if not more) than my workouts, or eating the perfect diet.  If I don't learn that I am not going to get where I want to be over night I will continue to face anxiety and self doubt.   I'm a little nervous about the holidays, because this is usually the time of year that I forget about my goals and over indulge, causing weight gain and subsequently stress and to be honest, self hatred.  This year, I am vowing to not try to be perfect, but just do my best.  I am going to screw up, I am going to cheat but I am going to do my absolute best to not let it derail everything I have been working for.    I have made the following list in order to help myself get through the next month or so.

1. Follow my workout plan.
2. Do my best on my diet.
3. If I slip up, get RIGHT BACK on track, don't let one bad decision ruin the day.
4. Continue to remember my WHY.  WHY I want to be healthy, WHY I want to get off this stupid roller coaster, WHY I want to be the best me I can.
5. Continue to share my triumphs and struggles with those around me.
6.  Ask for help when I need it.
7. Remind myself everyday that I can do this.
8. Think of healthy food and exercise as a gift I give to myself every day.
9. Remember that I want to help others.  If I can't help myself, how can I help anyone else?

As always, thanks for reading.  This blog is very personal and sometimes I just ramble to get my thoughts out.   I look forward to writing it every week because after each entry I feel a little sense of peace and relief.  I hope you all who read it can get something out of it that you relate to and maybe get that same reminder that the journey we are on is just as important as the outcome. 

If you are interested in joining me in my journey, feel free respond to this blog, email me at,, or find me on Facebook at

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Yesterday I ran my 4th mud run/obstacle course race, the Pretty Muddy Women's Race.  It was a lot of fun and probably the muddiest one I've done yet!  If you have never done one of these races, I really recommend you find one and just do it.  You will be surprised at how you do.  I had 2 new friends run this with me and it was the first time they had ever done something like this.  I warned them ahead of time and said that they will love every nasty, dirty moment and will probably want to do another one as soon as they got done that day.  Sure enough, both loved it and asked me about upcoming races I knew about.  It was cool to be on the other side and be the one helping and coaching rather than having someone do that for me.  
I didn't have a set plan for what this blog was going to be about, but I think as I started to write it came to me.  I love coaching and helping other people.  My day job is helping teenagers deal with the struggles that they go through every day and my second job as a Beachbody Coach is to help encourage and motivate others to be reach their full potential, not only physically, but mentally as well.  The best advice I can give to anyone trying to get healthy, lose weight or make other positive changes in your life is to never do it alone.  There will be times that you wonder what in the world made you think you wanted to or were capable of reaching the goals you set for yourself.   You have to have a support network, success partner or coach to remind and encourage you when you struggle.  You also have to have those people around you to celebrate the successes that will come if you put your mind to making a change.  I've recently made some new friends that have helped me realize that I don't have to be perfect, I just have to be me and that is enough.  I will get to my goals because I want to and I can.   I hope that I am inspiring others to make changes in their lives as well, 'cause I'll tell ya, being where I'm at now vs. where I was even just 6 months ago is a much easier way to live.  
If you are in need of that success partner, coach, friend or support network, don't hesitate to ask me.  I would love to help you reach your goals.  As I've said in previous posts, I'm not where I want to be yet, but I'm a hell of a lot closer now that I have ever been in my life.   I won't have all the answers for you, but I promise I will help you, however I can in your journey to be your best you.
To reach me, feel free to respond to this blog, or contact me at,, or on Facebook at

As always, thanks for reading!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Just do it...

This has been the weekend I've needed the past few weeks.  On Friday, I ran a 5k race (Richard's Run for Life).  The last official 5k I did was over a year ago and I finished in over 42 min.  This time my goal was 35-36 min.  I KNEW my body could do it.  The only thing that would stand in my way was my own mind.  I was a nervous wreck driving to Ybor City, FL to get ready for the race.  I kept thinking I've run 6 mile obstacle course races, been shocked, jumped over fire, wandered through the wilderness and I'm afraid of a 5k run????  I had that goal set in my mind and I was going to do DO IT.  I am proud to say that I ran the whole time and kept a good steady pace.  According to my RunKeeper app, I finished in 35:40!!!!  I will continue to work until my time is under 30 min.  But coming from a person (just a year or two ago) that thought no one should run unless being chased by something or someone big and mean to be LOOKING FORWARD to setting personal records (and reaching those goals)....Wow, what a change huh?

I spent my day yesterday at a Beachbody Leadership Conference.  I wish I could attend events like this every weekend.  They get me pumped up not only to improve my ability to be  a coach and help others the way I have been (and continue to be) helped, but to keep moving on in my own journey.  The majority of the day was centered around learning from the top leaders in this company.  Toward the end of the conference there was a video shown that I have to share here.  It is a motivational speech by Art Williams about how to succeed in business.  However, I think this message can be applied to ANY GOAL you have in life.  Seriously, take the 5 min to watch it, you will be inspired and it will make you laugh.  Here is the link. 

After meeting part was over, we got to hear from Sagi Kalev, the creator of Body Beast.  He talked about his journey starting out as a "geek" to being the success that he is today.  After his speech, we got to do a workout with him.  The last part involved doing these moving push-ups across the conference room (seemed like a professional sized football field toward the end!!).  I did pretty good the first half, then I started to struggle. Before I knew it, I had a crowd of people around me, down on their hands and knees cheering me on.  I looked over and I kid you not Sagi himself, was down on the ground next to me screaming at me to continue, to not give up, to be a BEAST.  For a split second I got really embarrassed.  I couldn't see around me and thought I was the last to finish in my group.  My old tape started playing and I thought these people are only cheering me on 'cause I'm the big girl and they don't think I can do it.  As I listened to them more than that damn tape, I started to realize, NO...they are cheering you on because they want you to succeed.  They see you struggling, but know, just like anyone else in that room, you are CAPABLE of finishing the task. 
Here are some pictures of what that experience was like (they won't do it justice though!)

And finally, a pic of me and Sagi after the workout!

So, like I said before this weekend really good for me in a lot of ways.  I am still a work in progress, but I am turning into a BEAST and like Art Williams says, I'm going to "Just do it and do it and do it and do it, until the job gets done".  If you are interested in joining me in my journey, learning more about Beachbody coaching or just need some encouragement, feel free to respond to this blog or contact me at, or find me on Facebook at