Sunday, November 18, 2012

The journey...

The picture above is something I think we all need to remember when it comes to any goals or life change.  When we set a goal for ourselves a lot of us (myself, completely included) only see the end product and forget to congratulate ourselves or take pride in the struggles we overcome every day in trying to reach our goals.  I know I have wasted a lot of time looking into the future instead of focusing on what I am doing in the here and now.  I don't allow myself to enjoy the fact that I can run over 3 miles without stopping or that I can complete an obstacle course race or that I haven't had diet coke in over 30 days.    I have realized over this weekend that I need to start focusing on my own personal development as much as (if not more) than my workouts, or eating the perfect diet.  If I don't learn that I am not going to get where I want to be over night I will continue to face anxiety and self doubt.   I'm a little nervous about the holidays, because this is usually the time of year that I forget about my goals and over indulge, causing weight gain and subsequently stress and to be honest, self hatred.  This year, I am vowing to not try to be perfect, but just do my best.  I am going to screw up, I am going to cheat but I am going to do my absolute best to not let it derail everything I have been working for.    I have made the following list in order to help myself get through the next month or so.

1. Follow my workout plan.
2. Do my best on my diet.
3. If I slip up, get RIGHT BACK on track, don't let one bad decision ruin the day.
4. Continue to remember my WHY.  WHY I want to be healthy, WHY I want to get off this stupid roller coaster, WHY I want to be the best me I can.
5. Continue to share my triumphs and struggles with those around me.
6.  Ask for help when I need it.
7. Remind myself everyday that I can do this.
8. Think of healthy food and exercise as a gift I give to myself every day.
9. Remember that I want to help others.  If I can't help myself, how can I help anyone else?

As always, thanks for reading.  This blog is very personal and sometimes I just ramble to get my thoughts out.   I look forward to writing it every week because after each entry I feel a little sense of peace and relief.  I hope you all who read it can get something out of it that you relate to and maybe get that same reminder that the journey we are on is just as important as the outcome. 

If you are interested in joining me in my journey, feel free respond to this blog, email me at,, or find me on Facebook at

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