Sunday, November 25, 2012

Just checking in....

Well I followed my list from the last post and made it through the Thanksgiving holiday without pigging out and feeling horrible.  I got in all my workouts and even got a new PR on a 5K race (see the photo above!).  I ran the Turkey Trot in 34:15.  I was so excited and pumped afterward!!  It felt amazing to cross that finish line!!  This coming weekend I have Tough Mudder.  I am so nervous, but excited at the same time!!  Here is a link to a video about what I'm about to do!  Stay tuned, next week's blog will be all about that experience!  I'm sure there will be tons to say!!

For the rest of this post I wanted to share some tools I use to help me keep track of my fitness and nutrition.  My top choices are the WOWY (Work Out With You) Supergym on the Beachbody website.  You can enter an entire program and all you have to do is look at the calendar to tell you what workout to do.  I never have to guess or plan for what my workout is, its there already!  If you are interested in getting this amazing tool, all you have to do is sign up for a FREE membership.  Here is a link. 
If you are interested I can send you a fitness assessment and help you get started on figuring out what workout will be the best for you.  2nd is GymPact.  It is an app on your phone (Iphone or Androids) that you set a weekly goal for working out.  The only drawback to this one is I can't use my Beachbody workouts because the app doesn't count my living room as a gym.  Annoying, but I can use it for my runs.  It connects to another app called Runkeeper (the pic from above is from that app) and it logs running, walking, cycling, etc.    It keeps all the data and you can compare each entry to ones in the past.  The thing I love most about all these apps and gadgets is I can see progress.  When I might not see progress on the scale or with the measuring tape, I know I am running faster, getting all my workouts in and am staying committed to my goal of a healthy life.  I am also in several support groups on Facebook where we encourage each other and hold one another accountable for the choices we are making.  In terms of food, I am doing P90X and that plan comes with a meal guide to follow.  Each week I sit down and plan out what meals I'm going to eat for the week and prepare as much of them ahead of time as I can.  Saves me so much time during the week and cuts WAY down on the temptation to eat junk. 

Planning is key!!!  You have to be organized and prepared to live a healthy life.  Yes, it does take extra time in the beginning, but the more you do it, the faster and easier it gets.  I don't even think using any of the above tools anymore, they are just a part of my day.   I'm not perfect, there have been plenty of days on my journey that despite all the tools above, I just didn't get it done.  However, I know that if I hadn't had these tools, it would have been so much harder to get back on track. 

If you are looking to change your daily habits and start living a healthier lifestyle, I want to help you.  Please feel free to respond to this blog, or contact me at, or  Oh yeah, I can't forget about Facebook!  www.

Have a great week everyone!  See you next week!!

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