Today is about confessions...As I started the P90X Challenge, I promised myself and others that I would follow the program to a T. I would do every workout and follow the food plan perfectly. Yesterday, I broke my promise. I had a pretty bad day nutritionally speaking...I won't say how bad, but bad. I know weight loss and staying in shape is 80% nutrition and 20% workouts. I feel like I've got my workouts down. They are just a part of my day and I don't even think about them anymore. Nutrition continues to be my downfall. Food has always been my comfort, my reward, my boredom buster and seems to be a staple of any friend/family party. I can follow a nutrition plan perfectly for a couple of weeks, then I start to feel deprived, get angry and fall off the wagon. I can not for the life of me figure out how to break this cycle. I've been trying for over 4 years now and I don't know what I'm missing. Why can't I resist temptations around me when they go against one of my most deeply held goals?
Confession 2...if you haven't figured it out already I'm having a hard time not listening to that tape in my head saying "see Erin, you can't do this", "just give up already", "you are not going to get there" and so on. I know most people will say "It was just one bad day, do better the next." I a point. This has been a goal of my all my life, but I really started to address these issues seriously about 4-5 years ago. Today, I'm tired. I'm tired of the struggle, I'm tired of the constant battle that I have to fight to get to where I want to be. I don't understand what continues to get in the way of me reaching a goal that I want more than anything right now.
I haven't meant for this entry to sound like Debbie Downer, but when I set out to start this blog I wanted to show everything, the good and the bad. This is not an easy process and I'm struggling today. I know I will pick myself back up again and the journey will continue...
If you are interested in joining me in my journey or are struggling and want someone to help you through the rougher times, please feel free to respond to this blog or contact me at,, or find me on Facebook at
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