Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ultimate Reset Day 1

This will be a shorter entry so I can really focus on how I think the Ultimate Reset is changing me and my body next week.  Today is day 1.  So far I've had some really good food.  However, I learned that garlic and cilantro together can make me cry!!  I had a big salad for lunch with things I NEVER eat (peppers, tomatoes, SPROUTS, cucumber, etc).  I didn't chop up the cilantro into small enough pieces and the dressing I made had a bit too much garlic.  Needless, to say I learned my lesson and will adjust next time!!.  I am looking forward to dinner, it sounds really good.  Fish, baby potatoes and fresh asparagus. 

I've done good with cravings today too.  I think it has helped to keep myself busy.  A couple of times I thought a big glass of iced tea or water with Crystal Light would be good, but I refrained and I've only had good 'ole H20 all day.   Thought about sweets earlier too.  Interested to see how this evening will go, 'cause that's usually when the worst cravings are.

So, stay tuned.  Next week, I will have lots of pics to share of meals I've had and will be able to report on one full week of the reset!! If you are interested in the Ultimate Reset, check out this website.

If you are interested in joining me on journey to a healthier life, feel free to contact me at,, or on Facebook at

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